Wednesday, December 22, 2010

!ShekeTimes dives into the pages of history...

!ShekeTimes this time did some research on historical rules/orders and found this astonishing fact!! Read on...

King Osmon (A.D 1388 – A.D 1450) of central Andalusia was an ambitious ruler. Always he wished to have his name inscribed over the everlasting time tablet. Albeit this, he was never up to the mark and succumbed to his foes pretty easily almost everytime that more or less left his name go unnoticed. But his sheer aim of having his name engrossed for some notable cause remained intact inspite of his low profile as a paladin. During the latter half of his career as a king, he summoned the most intelligent of his ministers and ordered to come up with something remarkable which could be hooked up to his name and be in the limelight for centuries to come. Minister Nautilus worked on this for quite sometime and knowing the fact that the king has lost his vibrancy and power to map his name to some glorious victory, he asked the king to impose a ban on smoking and to put “NO SMOKING” sign boards everywhere.

“But how does that make my name stick on ? ”, he questioned.

“ My Lord ”, said Nautilus , “ ‘NO SMOKING‘ is the ANAGRAM of ‘KING OSMON’, anagram wherein the words of one are jumbled up to form the other. And wherever the crowd sees it, they remember Thou my Lord”.

The king was over joyous and soon abolished smoking in his kingdom quoting that’s injurious to health and installed the signboard “NO SMOKING” at nearly every feasible place. It so did happen that whenever the masses saw the board, they remembered KING OSMON.

Thus goes the history of a famous ruler and a well known sentence, which is for reasons unknown, lost in the pages of time.The boards can be seen even today universally, but people hardly recall the king and the fact that’s behind it.

( PS: But renowned historians of that time like Lieoster and a few others noted that, while the general public was mostly against that law, they silently thanked God for not making the ruler’s name KING FONUC ).

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