Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A little philosophy for a change!!

Beneath the shallow backwaters of Mediterranean sea abreast Dalmossa, lived 3 fishes, Danny (male), Nanny(female) and Johnny(male). Nanny was a cutie pie and looked very pretty. Danny, on the other hand was a speciality in himself for being from one of the rarest species. Finally, Johnny was just another common fish who was not earmarked in any way, but nonetheless had a never-say-die kind of positive attitude towards life.

One fine day, a zoologist who happened to be a hobbyist fisherman jaunted at the place and caught all these three friends. At the very outset, he was dearly impressed by the beauty and colour of pretty Nanny and decided to put her in his aquarium. He then noticed Danny and found out that it was of the rarest species about which no much research has been done and opted to nurture it for his research. The other one, Johnny, had no hereditary qualities or any stupendous feature that led him put it in his basket kept open at the starboard side of his still boat. But Johnny kept humping and craving for water so hard that upon unceasing and unfaltering jumps and amaranthine hopping, somehow managed to slip back to water from the closely placed open basket. 

Post this incident, Nanny led a happy but an under thumb life, grabbing appreciations from visitors but craving even for her food with the maintainer. Danny, on the other bank had an intriguing life, as his every move was watched carefully, his each behaviour being studied thoroughly , appeared in few newspapers and became moderately famous. But somewhat had a congested life, had to face some hardships, be smitten by experimentation. Johnny, meanwhile led a cool, independent albeit a very normal unnoticed life with his friend cloud in the shallow waters for the rest of his life. 

          Nanny, Danny and Johnny all had their own share of life, just like billions of us. Some applauded, some acclaimed, some affluent , some just as common as any other common artist in life.
Now the question arises. If the ultimate goal of life is to be happy, why care about the source of it ???? The fate ( fisherman) would drive us anywhere (aquarium, nurture culture or back to our life) anytime and we are left with our skills and most importantly, attitude to decide what we would be up to. But no matter what we are remodelled into, no matter what we achieve, what image we carve on the eternal time tablet, a question pops out at the end of the day: “Did we LIVE the life?” 

PS: Thanks a lot for reading the above crap :)


  1. Awww man...Really nice piece. You can write on anything & everything.

    Such a true philosophy! Career, ambition, passions are driving us crazy & we end up not living our lives. "Some" may find salvation in whatever they are accomplishing but definitely not all. We have made our lives complicated & are forced to LIVE with it.

    Loved your post, again:)

  2. Nice one! But if you are thanking us for reading the above crap, then maybe you should give us a party for reading all the other stuff that you have written till date :P

  3. Nice post .
    There is no one rule to measure success in life ,is there ? You just have to do what you think is right and hope for the best! and try to have some fun along the way . ;)

  4. Nicely said maga... But I felt something missing ... donno what... May be the problem is that you always make your readers expect a lot from you... :)
