Saturday, October 23, 2010

DevLock Inc. (Part 1)

Mr. Brahma, the principal software architect at DevLock Inc seemed anxious as he briskly walked into the 6th floor Meeting Room 3 of the Vaikunta campus to head the tech leads’ meeting. The tech leads Mr. Narada, Mr. Indra , Mr. Kuber and many other heavy-brains had already assembled and were sure that Brahma was about to elucidate the new product which the DevLock Inc had premeditated to work on.

“The rumours have come true guys. I just had a management level meeting with delivery leads, Mr. Vishnu and Mr. Shiva and the chitchat is coming up. The company has decided to launch its first-of-it’s-kind product. A species with a ‘BRAIN’!!!” , Brahma’s underway explaining.

“But, that we already have right? Except our basic versions like Amoeba and such, almost all others do have BRAIN chipped in them. So what’s the point?” , the first objection came from Mr.Yama, the chief Garbage Collector of DevLock Inc. It was his accountability to take care of worn out products, put new souls into them and relaunch into the market.

“No this a bit dissimilar from all those. We are for the very first time furnishing Artificial Intelligence into them. They could ‘THINK’. They could even ‘THINK’ about us. “

“What does that term ‘THINK’ mean?” ,asked an all keyed up Ganesh. Ganesh and his brother Karthik were two of the most respected individuals at DevLock. They were also the sons of Mr.Shiva, the manager at DevLock’s Kailasa campus.

“Well, ‘THINK’ is something where the product itself will be able to deal with a variety of topics in viable ways. For instance, the product can by itself search for the charger, what we have coined ‘FOOD’ and can even grab it from other products. That makes my life easier, as I no longer have to proffer all the details on their labels, technically, on products’ ‘FOREHEADS’ “, Brahma answered.

“Won’t that cause chaos among themselves? “, held out Mr.Ram, who was considered as the most idealistic person in whole of the company. He was honest, candid and unimaginably sincere. If someone sought a true success, it was his footsteps were what had to be pursued, whispered a famous quote at DevLock. Mr.Hanuman, the talented senior software engineer reported to Ram. Ram could be contacted at

“Yes it would. Upto some extent. Infact, upto considerable extent. But I have come up with a radical design for that. That some of the products themselves would monitor all others and endeavour to keep the entropy at it’s minimum. But if it still sustains, we would have to interfere. Ideally, Mr.Yama has to. That I ll explain a little later”, explained Brahma.

“This looks very obscure. I mean, since those monitoring-products can also, what you said, ‘THINK’, it would rather become ineffectual to monitor those objects in-turn. Isn’t that so? And furthermore, will all the products ‘THINK’ alike? If no, what triggers them to do so? A trap-door algorithm embedded in them? “ , asked the smartest worker of the bunch, Mr.Krishna aka Mr.Krishh, who was himself an incredible coder and was even able to handle any hard-hitting tasks alone. Some of the very knowledgeable senior-software engineers like Mr.Dharam Roy, Mr. Bhim Sen, Mr. Paarth and a few others directly report to Mr. Krishh. He also authored an exceptional technical reference doc, named Shrimadbhagavadgeeta, which is, of late, released as open source doc and a copy of that could be obtained from him at

“ You are right Mr.Krissh. There’s a bundle of problems involved in it. So have we decided to resolute this as a long term project. Any guesses as to how long? You can’t imagine, it’s a 350 ‘God-days’ work. And in products’ timeline it will come upto some 3 and a half million years. I’m also glad to inform that Mr. Goutham Buddha is going to enjoy an onsite opportunity somewhere at the end of a stable phase, not right now though. As far as the first versions are considered, they will be backward compatible with our previous release, the ‘APE’. In addition to the hardware plug-ins what ‘APEs’ carry, these new ‘HUMANs’ will have more product-life, will be more energetic, but above all those , they can ‘THINK’. The outer hair covering is reduced, outer body is lustred with some pigment and are not equipped with the ‘TAIL’ what ‘APEs’ enjoyed. This is actually an effort to keep these ‘HUMANS’ away from lucrative ‘tree’ markets, which is ruled by our ‘APE’. Mr.Vishnu wishes to have ‘APE’ get the edge in ‘tree’ economy zones. Infact, these new products don’t have any mobility and portability features apart from their ‘LIMBS’. They are deprived of ‘WINGS’ and a streamlined outer shape is denied too. Some among our newest product ‘HUMANs’ will carry a ‘HEART’ and many would not!! Why many don’t, I don’t know. It appears to be the law of nature. But none can have more than one ‘HEART’, and even if they bear, other products can’t make out they do. Ok, back to portability issues and mobility features, they are provided with two ‘LIMBS’. Trust me, I’m going to design their ‘BRAIN’ in such a way that they can prevail over all these subjections they have. But it will take time, it can’t come at once. And you won’t believe, we will also release a ‘dedicated’ HUMAN product somewhere in the later phase of this project, just to explain other ‘HUMAN’ products that they can gradually change themselves, can ‘THINK’ better and can use more that constituent they need and can even throw away some parts which they may not call for, at that juncture of time. We even have named this ‘dedicated HUMAN product’. It will be sent with the label ‘darwin’. “

“What’s a dedicated product?”, Mr.Venkatesh cut short Brahma’s sophisticated detailing. Mr.Venkatesh ( apparently held a lion’s share in the roaring revenues as he directly got customer royalty in crores. He was infact the richest in earning customer royalties, after pasting Mr.Jesus Christ of the Vatican-Tech Corporation recently!

“Well, a “Dedicated Product” is one which is explicitly created to pull off some specific task. As of now, we have charted 3 ‘Dedicated Products’, one this Darwin, another labelled as ‘nelson’, which will have a very imperative task to do infact.

“ What’s that crucial undertaking nelson is built for?”, questioned Mrs.Sharda.

“ I was just about to let you all know that. There’s been a serious dearth of the pigment what we have planned to deliver on the products’ outer hardware. So, some of the products will have more pigments, some not as much of. Eventually, this might cause serious complexes among products owing to it’s dependency on their BRAIN design. If that arises, ‘nelson’ will carry pre-biased specifications and will be launched in the troubled market to bring it to customary state.”

“ But the third case is an interesting one. Mr.Vishnu, after reviewing my design of BRAIN opined that these products may start using one more or multiple layers of covering over what we assemble as their outer wrap, technically SKIN. So, at some leg of the project phase, we will launch a product labelled ‘Mallika’, to explain other products that their own made outer wrappings are not really necessary. “

“ These are not the only dedicated releases, if I should be blunt, I acknowledge we will have hundreds of them, to correct hundreds of bugs that would arise in the code what we write. So more logical our codes are, lesser shall the count of dedicated products we might have to launch. So, without much ado, lets straight away get into the details pertaining to the software architecture of the brain.”, Brahma finally commenced his harangue.

“ I can broadly divide the design into two, a ‘structural’ and the other ‘behavioural’. Structural is simple, behavioural is beyond my horizon.

-------------------------------------To be continued in next part--------------------------------


  1. This is amazing dude! Just that make sure that you make your words simpler :) Sometimes, the structure of your sentences tend to get very complex! :) Amazing concept! We will be waiting for your next installment! :)

  2. Hi... dont get me wrong.. but there is a bug in this.. APEs dont have tails.. :)

  3. Hi Gauri... thanks a lot for this :) I never knew :P Will be modifying :P

  4. The other side of the argument. and

  5. Who is Mrs Sharda here ?? her mail id not mentioned ;)

  6. @Sharda: Madam, its MRS.Sharda... ;)
    Wife of her husband :P ....
    All characters are fictional.Any resemblance to anyone is just LOL ....:P

  7. @Chandan: Really interesting. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. This is one of the bests maga. dude Anyhow several products are already in the team before even getting manufactured(rama, anjaneya, kri).
