Monday, November 1, 2010

Will this idea work?? ;)

Now again as it’s time for a few serendipitous guys to make some real money (which includes even Big-B), I just thought of trying my luck too. Everyone is aware of KBC that is running in its 4th season now and at this stage, my chance of getting over there is very close to nil, I know. But laterally, I just thought of a ladder which utilises the “Phone a Friend lifeline” and might fetch me some money. Here’s how it works: Suppose I make a website, say “” where the users who get the prospect of being in ‘fastest-fingers-first’ can register themselves to “earn” a “RESPONSIBLE” friend who ASSURES them of their money. We will give a pseudo-friend to them, whose name may vary from “rakesh gupta” to “manivannan”, and a cell-number, different for different users but all of whom directly ring in our cabin !! Two/three of us will have numerous search engines opened up to type the query as the contestant reads out the question(Yes, I agree, this requires a quality expertise).

The Deal:

The rule is simple. If the contestant finishes reading the question and 4 options within 13 seconds, further responsibility will be TOTALLY OURS. If we provide him the right answer, all we demand is 25% of the money ‘WHAT HE EARNS FROM THAT PARTICULAR QUESTION’, which means the amount allotted for that question minus the amount allotted for its previous question. Eg: If he calls us for Rs.5 crore question and we give him the right answer, then he pays us 25% of 4 crores, because the value of that particular question is 4 crores(5 crores minus 1 crore, the value of its previous question).

In case we fail to answer him (failing refers to both ‘not able to answer’ and ‘answering wrongly’), we will provide him the FULL amount allotted FOR THAT PARTICULAR QUESTION again. ( Question’s allotted value minus that of the previous question). This point will orient the contestants towards calling us, as all they need to do is finish narrating the question in 13 secs, and they will SURELY get the money, either from KBC or from us.

And suppose he/she FAILS to narrate the question in 13 seconds, profits will be absolutely on our side, as he/she still has to pay us the 25% of the value if we provide right answer but we do NOT provide anything as compensation if we are wrong or if we cannot answer. ( A casino rule, ‘Restriction is the key’ ).

I tried out a number of questions that are actually asked in KBC’s previous episodes (of all seasons) and found that none of them could harm us. There was hardly any “NON-GOOGLABLE” question, and if the contestant finishes narrating us the question within 13 seconds, ( a figure which I have arrived at after several trials and pseudo narration attempts), then our search engine assemblage (which is google + mamma + cuil + yahoo + bing + ixquick + Wiki ofcourse ), each of which has its own specialities, needs only 2 seconds maximum to show the result. Rest of the time should be utilized in analyzing the responses and communicating the answer to the contestant!!!

PS: Thank You for reading the above crap!! :)


  1. Just one catch. Your client may blabber the question n the choices in a way you couldn't really make out what he said, just to be sure he narrates the entire thing in the given 13 secs. And then... claim that he did his part of the job in 13 secs; you not being able to understand him being your problem, he needs his "FULL AMOUNT" allocated for that question from you. Imagine he doing that for the 1 crore qn and then telling amithab that he would rather not answer it and taking all he got. Then coming to you to get the last chunk! :)
    If you try taking time to confirm the question, you may lose the time anyway. This is a case where the user doesn't want you to understand the qn. the blabbering is intentional! If you are trying to convey him that u did not understand that qn, he may say you are doing it intentionally, that being a loop-hole where wither you or your client may misuse the process. :)

  2. Yes, this is a serious loophole. Dilip, u r a real manager ;)

    So for our safety, we 'll add some mathematics in 'terms and conditions'

    First of all,
    1. Pronunciation/Narration of the question (in English mandatorily, adhering to 'standard English phonetics') should be exactly same as the one asked, failing which we cannot be held responsible.

    2. Just to make sure he/she intentionally/non-intentionally doesn't modify the question in a way we can never understand, we set a maximum value for "word count per second" based on its value for usual day-to-day conversations. Contestant exceeds that intentionally or non-intentionally(which is an extreme case, only when his pronunciation is really horribly fast) and we are out of the scene!!!

  3. Hey this is a great idea.. :-) but i have a doubt.. what is the legal binding for your client to pay the money? for the registration you might take an initial advance. but what if the amount he has to pay to your company(25% of what he earns for that question) is significantly higher than advance and he/she refuses to pay? since there isn't any legal binding how will your company fight for its cause then?

  4. @HN : Good question. The legality of this procedure is still dubious... :( . But as far as I know, when he/she clicks on/checks "I agree to the above terms and conditions", he/she is legally bound to the conditions. This is how software policies work, but I'm not cent percent sure if that really adheres him/her to the norms.

  5. Certain Queries:
    What will you do if KBC becomes aware of your institution type?
    Suppose if i show legal binding documents to KBC (i can earn reward money for helping them).
    Also how would you know who are listed shortlisted in top 10?[Don't say after watching the episode in Sony :)].

  6. @datta: Answer to your second question first: Its not me who has to find them, but they need to get registered. :)

    Answer to the first question: Legally, I'm the contestant's friend! And, according to KBC, contestant can call any of his/her friend and there's no rule in KBC that prohibits contestant from giving away anything to the friend who helped you!! Which turns out that, as far as KBC is concerned, I'm just another friend of the contestant.
